Choices by Revlon: The Dream That Came True Unconventionally

Every woman’s life is the sum of all her choices, and Revlon India is here to support that. Choices by Revlon is a platform that will allow every woman to express her opinions and make her choices freely. This month, Revlon talks about Hopes & Dreams and believes that each woman should dream at whatever scale she desires, then pursue to accomplish […]

Top 10 Ways You Lose Confidence + How To Get It Back.

Don't compare yourself like oranges and apples

What if I told you that I never feel truly confident? Not 100%, not every day, and certainly not all the time! Sure, I can project confidence easily, but deep inside, I usually worry that I don’t have what it takes. That I’m just not good enough. Good enough for what? Could be anything. That doesn’t […]

Penny Wise, Pound Foolish?

I felt like a KANJOOS. That’s an Indian word for “miser/scrooge/stingy”. It was a Friday night and I had gone out with friends.  We’d seen a show, and headed on to a pub after for a bit. I was acutely conscious of the fact that my wallet was lighter than a hummingbird, and that I […]