Choices by Revlon {Empowerment} – What is the Relationship between Beauty and Empowerment?

Every woman’s life is the sum of all her choices, and Revlon India is here to support that. Choices by Revlon is a platform that will allow every woman to express her opinions and make her choices freely. This month, Revlon talks about Empowerment. This is one of the many articles that aim to inspire women all over India in their choices about Empowerment. Log on to the Choices by Revlon app and start making a choice today.

Beauty and Empowerment

On a twitter chat for Revlon last week, I was asked a pertinent question – does being empowered mean looking beautiful or does beauty come from within?

I responded that when you are empowered, there is a confidence and glow about you that makes you more beautiful and attractive than mere looks! 

To me, beauty is both internal and external. And it starts from within. 

A cliche, yet true.

When you shine from the inside out, you are grounded in a place of confidence, self acceptance, and love. And you see beauty in everything and everyone. 

In the smooth skin of a baby. In the laughter lines of a woman who has LIVED. In the changing leaves of fall. In a thoughtful gesture.

The more you notice beauty around you, the more you appreciate it, and the more you settle into a place of deep gratitude.

Into a quiet, yet powerful inner knowing.

That beauty isn’t just about your looks, it’s about your attitude. 

The most beautiful person can look ugly in an instant if they have a bad attitude and negative vibe. And a seemingly unattractive person can suddenly look beautiful and magnetic when you see their joy, kindness, integrity, love. 

Like Kat Graham says, “sometimes you can have all the makeup on in the world and not feel very beautiful, and sometimes you can have no makeup on and feel absolutely incredible about yourself”.

So what is the relationship between beauty and empowerment? 

  • Beauty gives you an extra boost of confidence to face the world, go after what you love, not give up. Esp on days you want to hide under the covers.
  • It hands you back a sense of control over situations in life, instead of letting them control you. And doesn’t that feel good!!
  • A little lipstick / perfume can make your face brighter, your step lighter.
  • It inspires you to be creative, to create, innovate, inspire.
  • Your entire being lights up when you are feeling healthy and happy.
  • Your empowered + buoyant energy lifts others up as well.
  • You walk just a little taller wearing fire engine red!
  • ________________ (what would you add?)

Beauty empowers a little girl of 13, dying of cancer, to live out her remaining days creating makeup videos and inspiring millions of people with her smile and positivity. RIP, Angel Talia.

Beauty empowers ME when I get out of my jammies and throw on a nice outfit, a pair of heels, or simply tie up my hair in a cute ponytail, instantly making me feel more confident and alive. It makes me sit up a little straighter. There’s a sense of energy and accomplishment, and I actually believe in myself a little more.

On the flip side, beauty is disempowering when you let it define you, or use it as a crutch.

When you let it shame you or make you conform to fit in.

When you base your confidence on your looks or popularity, your self-esteem on your selfies, your worth on compliments and likes.

Because what makes you beautiful is not the foundation you slap on, but how it makes you feel. 

Beauty is empowering when it’s whole and holistic, encompassing health, happiness, self love, self care, and vitality.

When it adds to who you are, instead of limiting you.

Even though beauty starts from within, it can also work the other way – when you look good and feel good about yourself, your confidence grows. 

Whether it’s make up or blow dried hair, a fab outfit or flowers on the table, what makes you feel happy and beautiful can make you feel confident too.

Glowing skin, shiny healthy hair, a happy smile, good posture, a firm handshake, a confident and modulated voice, good listening skills, kindness, can all create an impact and make you feel amazing, no matter your circumstances.

They put you in the driver’s seat of your life and help you create positive changes.

So while this might seem superficial, it’s actually quite empowering.

Go ahead, use beauty to express and empower yourself but don’t be a slave to it!

I’ll leave you with this thought:

Beauty is not just in the face, it radiates from the heart and soul. And no-one is more beautiful than a confident, happy, empowered woman! (Click here to tweet this).

Do you feel that beauty empowers you? How? I’d love to know in the comments! Please share this post with the beautiful, empowered women in your life. Thanks!

z Tia

Hi! I’m Tia. Multi-passionate Sparklepants, Life Lover, Curator of Awesome. I run this website featuring kickass inspiration to help you sparkle through life, no matter what! Click here to ignite your Inner Sparkle — that shimmery part of your spirit that says YES to courage + connection, and NO WAY to ‘shoulds’ + restrictions.

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