Intuition, Trust and Cherry Blossom Trees

Who looks outside, dreams;
Who looks inside, awakes.

Dreaming+Awakening=Unstoppable OptimisticalCanDoItis.
(Your Life YOUR Way-ism)

Dreaming probably comes easier to you than trusting yourself. I’m not talking about trusting yourself to pay the bills, raise a family, or suchlike – you’ve got a pretty good handle on that.

Let’s talk about INNER trust. Self belief. Intuition.

The crazy dreams you have, the desire to launch your own business, murder the status quo, sell your house and sail the world on a boat, do what you love and get paid for it, quit your college course and travel for a year, pack up the wife and kids and move to a small island haven, have a million passions and find ways to do them all, live life your way.

All the things you wish you could be, do, have.
But don’t really, truly believe you can.
Or trust that you can pull off.

Of all the things you do, often, believing in yourself is one of the hardest.

If you don’t work to actively know who you are, what you stand for and what fulfils you, you won’t trust or believe in yourself enough to listen to your intuition and follow it.

You’re fraught with self doubt more often than you’d care to admit.

Especially as a scannery sparkler type. This could well be your biggest plague.

How do you become more confident, trust yourself and hone your intuitive power? Take more calculated risks, follow your dreams and live the life you want? One way is to close your eyes and listen to your heart speak.

If the voice is too low or drowned out by louder, naysaying, gremliny “omg this is crazy, you’ll never _______ “, it’s time for you to do something about it. Commit to digging in and listening to what your gut says.

Learn to trust yourself, not the opinions of others.

  • Do you need to clear the cobwebs?
  • Hear the silent screaming of your essential self?
  • Trust yourself more?
  • Take bolder steps in the direction of your dreams?
  • Be guided by your North Star?
  • Rely on yourself more than psychics and mediums?
  • Stop looking outside for validation?
  • Spark that mojo?
  • Stop procrastinating on something important to you?
  • Launch/create something new?

Then the Ralph Emerson Writing #Trust30 writing and introspection challenge is for YOU. Remember #reverb10? Yep, like that. With one theme.

#Trust30 is an online 30-day writing challenge that encourages you to look within and trust yourself. Use this as an opportunity to reflect on your now, and to create direction for your future.

When the lovely Amber from the Domino Project asked me to contribute to this initiative, I was delighted and honoured. She had me at “Emerson urges readers to trust their intuition rather than conforming to the will of the majority.”

Non-conformism and free thinking? I’m in like Flynn!

My prompt goes live June 29th (last but not least, yo!) and there’s an impressive list of smart, kickass thought leaders and original thinkers and doers in this stellar list of author-prompter-types. Check ’em out:

I reckon you should probably join me in this.
No, really. Join me. Now.
Then come back and tell me you’re in!


I’ll be following along and answering prompts as inspired.
Here’s the 1st via Gwen Bell.

You just discovered you have fifteen minutes to live.

1. Set a timer for fifteen minutes.
2. Write the story that has to be written.

Honestly, and I’m probably not going to do this for every prompt, but if I had 15 minutes to live I would so NOT be sitting at my computer and writing my story.

I’d be out LIVING it!

I’d be dancing in my kitchen, grabbing my jandals, wearing my favourite outfit, and running out the door to laugh, run, hug people, smile, calling my best friends and reminding them of the time when _____, eating Nutella gelatos, splashing in puddles, having an impromptu flash mob in the middle of downtown Vancouver, twirling around in circles till I got giddy and fell on the grass in a happy, crumpled heap, kissing cute guys and feeling the sunshine (or rain) on my face and hugging cherry blossom trees.

And I’d spray paint in big, bold letters on the steps of the Vancouver Art Gallery:

1. BE Love. Don’t look for it.
2. You are amazing, JUST the way you are.
3. Life is awesome, awesome, AWESOME!!!

Oh and I might delete all my history and hidden files on the computer before I let loose .. haha just kidding, don’t have any.

If you had 15 min, what would YOU do? If you’ve answered this prompt on your blog, please link to it below so I can check it out and follow your journey. Thanks!



Facebook comments:



    • says

      Sweet! What’s the link to your entry? If you leave it here more people can check it out 🙂 Great to have you on board!

  1. says

    I love the image of spray painting the steps~kinds makes me wish that kind of positive graffiti was everywhere! Spending your last 15 “sucking out the marrow of life” to quote Thoreau is the way we should live~got the most delightful sensation of twirling like when you’re 5 years old.

    I’m loving this project~it’s a beautiful way to push your thinking outside your usual stomping grounds. Plus it’s already taught me a lesson; here’s what I’d do with my final 15-minutes:

    • says

      Suck the marrow out of life – EPICALLY on board with that, Ellen!

      Btw, so great to see you drop by at YLYW – welcome and I LOVE what you’re doing in the world. Ok…. just checked out your post – my fave part?

      “My life ends the way it started, with love.”

      Also this: “If love is the essential answer to the final question, why does it play second fiddle to the desire to be right or the trivia of life?”

      Bingo, ay. You got me smiling, girl 🙂

  2. says

    Hmmm….15 minutes. Why is it that the word “relationships” is the first thing I think of? And if it is, perhaps that should play an even bigger part in my every day living…

    (and very awesome that you’re part of this project!)

    • says

      Because my dear friend, EVERYTHING in life is about relationships. Between people, things, places, ideas, beliefs, the Universe – every.single.thing. Go figure, huh. Always a happy moment to see you drop by Sir Lancelot. And, thank you – stoked to be a part of this!

    • says

      OMG!! You started a blog just for the challenge? That is SO awesome Melissa! Very excited for your blogging-intuition-trust journey in June. So glad I inspired you to do this – made my day 🙂 Thanks for coming by to let me know, looking forward to the unfolding. YAY!!

  3. says

    Hey Tia,

    Love RWE. He’s from near where I grew up! Sounds like a good challenge. Congrats on being one of the speakers.

    I wrote about trusting your gut this week. Must be kismet. We’re taught to listen to experts instead of ourselves, when we are the experts on us. And experts don’t know too much more than you do. That’s the biggest myth. I’m growing tired of the word expert and hope it isn’t anywhere on either of my web sites!

    Let’s guide each other … much more empowering. G.

    • says

      Thanks darling, I was pleasantly surprised and super stoked to be asked.

      Y’know, I’ll admit – I’ve been drawn to intuitives and psychics in the past and just recently decided that it was time to trust my own inner psychic (for we ALL have one) instead of asking for guidance from others. Guidance is good, inner guidance is even better.

      Hear ya on the ‘expert’ word. It makes me want to gag too. Like you said, we’re all on a journey, some further ahead, some following, but no one really has it all together all the time. Even people like Wayne Dyer (who I ADORE), Louise Hay etc – they are teachers, healers and hugely inspirational, but really only experts on themselves.

      I like to think of hats. Guiding hats. Leading hats. Wear one, wear a few. That’s all they are. Hats. Hats off to June and trusting ourselves!

    • says

      Sweet as, Patrick, great to have you along on the adventure.

      Love this response: “Asking “personal” questions shows not only that we are curious but also that we care.” It’s also about being real and taking down the barriers to intimacy and connection and really KNOWING and SEEING people. Now who they are pretending to be, but who they really are. Invaluable.

      When you ask, you give the other person permission to reveal. “ASKING creates OPENNESS creates TRUST creates REAL SHARING creates REAL CONNECTION.” – I want to frame this : ) Thank you for sharing!

    • says

      Thanks for sharing, Skaja. Great idea to have them all under one tag. Love the 1st one – spend the last minute kissing your husband 🙂 Seems like we’d all be kissing people as we’re about to die, good way to go, ha!

  4. Mary Korba says

    Hi Tia,

    I am a “newbie” to your blog, but I just have to say that are incredibly inspiring and it is refreshing to hear your story. I especially enjoyed reading this post as I am a huge Emerson fan and I think the Trust 30 Project is brilliant. I would commit to the pledge, but alas, I do not have a blog (yet)! Keep on spreading the good vibe-you have a gift!

    • says

      Thank you Mary, always makes me happy to meet new readers and hear from them! So, what’s your story? Hey, you could always journal instead of blogging – no reason why you can’t still be a part of it 🙂 Great to see you here, thanks for the kind words and come back again!

    • says

      Juicy jellypops, Judy 🙂 Just checked out your site, been a while since I was there – love the tagline “live in the heart of life”! To funtuition, baby.


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